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Financial red flags in a relationship

Why is it that discussing money is so taboo? You might know pretty intimate details about your partner but not know how much debt they have. But shoving it under the rug only leads to bigger problems down the road.

So when is the best time to talk about money in a relationship? The answer is not too different from when you should start investing. EARLY AND OFTEN. It’s important to know early on if you’re financially compatible. And if you’re not, it gives you time to decide if it’s something you can work on. Talking about your net worth doesn’t have to be your opening line on your first date, but don’t wait until after marriage either.

Just like in many aspects of a relationship, compromise is likely to be had when it comes to finances. Make sure it’s a compromise that both of you are willing to make. Just because it looks like someone is “doing well”, don’t assume they are responsible with their money. Don’t wait until after marriage to regret that you didn’t write a prenup. (This part was written by the single person)

What can you do to be better about money when you’re in a relationship? Talk about it openly. Schedule a recurring time that’s dedicated to talk about personal finance. Have fun with the topic and don’t treat it like a chore! Getting aligned on your finances early will save you both from many petty arguments over the years. (This part was written by the person who is [still] married.)

As always, reminding you to build wealth by following the two PFC rules: 1.) Live below your means and 2.) Invest early and often.‎

-Vivi & Shane


Jeremy Circle

Hi, I’m Jeremy! I retired at 36 and currently have a net worth of over $4 million. 

Personal Finance Club is here to give simple, unbiased information on how to win with money and become a multi-millionaire!