It rarely seems like the perfect time to invest. There is always something going on in the economy, with politics, or something else that will seem scary. BUT you have to invest anyway.
Over the long haul, the stock market has doubled every seven years about on average. So, the last five years were slightly better than usual, but not completely out of the ordinary.
If you’re seeing this and you haven’t yet started investing, don’t feel bad at all. Take the baby steps to get started. Make the time to learn more about investing. Open an account. Transfer money into the account and buy a low cost index fund. And just like that, you started!
If you’re going to any holiday gatherings in the next couple weeks, we can almost guarantee there will be someone who tells you about the HUGE recession that’s going to hit in 2024. Or maybe they will bring up the 2024 election and tell you if a certain person wins, the stock market will CRASH! Remember, to ignore any advice this person gives you because no one knows the future (but everyone likes to pretend they do).
The graph is of daily returns of the S&P 500, including dividends over the last five years. We only included a fraction of the stuff that happened over this period. There were also presidential impeachments, NFT mania, a crypto boom and bust, record gas prices, and much more.
As always, reminding you to build wealth by following the two PFC rules: 1.) Live below your means and 2.) Invest early and often.
-Vivi & Shane