Not everything is just about money. Yes, you would probably be able to save more money if you never got a pet. But the joy that a pet can bring into your life is invaluable and cannot be measured solely with dollar signs.
With that said, the priceless love you can get from your pet, comes with significant responsibility. When you bring them into your life, whether it’s a dog, cat, or something else, you become responsible for their well-being and happiness. And this can be expensive and require a large amount of your time.
Anyone who has a dog that shows them unconditional love or a cat that shows constant affection knows that it is silly to try and put a price tag on this. If you have the Mastercard slogan in your head right now, so do we (“There are some things money can’t buy; for everything else, there’s Mastercard”.)
So, where does all of this leave you? Before you get a pet, understand the true cost. It’s often that people focus on paying the adoption fee and don’t quantify the annual cost of owning a pet. Once you calculate this number, you’ll know if you can justify caring for a pet. Be true to yourself and understand if the financial burden will add more stress in your life.
Estimated costs in the post came from Rover, Canine Journal and World Animal Foundation. These numbers can vary a lot, depending on a number of factors like where you live, the size of your dog, etc.
P.S. Jeremy seems to have a rotating list of dogs that get dropped off at his house when their parents go out of town. So if you’re in San Diego and have a dog, it may be worthwhile to befriend Jeremy to take advantage of free dog boarding!! Just don’t tell him you heard it from us!
As always, reminding you to build wealth by following the two PFC rules: 1.) Live below your means and 2.) Invest early and often.
-Vivi & Shane