As the year is coming to a close, I thought it would be nice to post some good news! One piece of good news is that the ozone layer is actually getting thicker! It’s thicker today than it was in the 90s when we heard so much about the hole in the ozone. (If you’re too young to remember that, you have a lot of compound growth ahead of you!)
I’ve heard some people reference this fact to draw the exact WRONG conclusion. They say things like “we don’t hear about the ozone anymore so we don’t have to worry about any climate change issues”. I believe they’re thinking that the problem corrected itself or was overly hyped so that’s evidence that why we shouldn’t worry about current issues. But actually, it’s the exact opposite. BECAUSE we worried about it and DID something about it (dropped use of those harmful chemicals by about 99%) we made a huge impact, the damage stopped and the earth is even (slowly) repairing itself.
What’s this have to do with MONEY? Well, I think it’s important to be optimistic about the future of the human race. Despite all the bad stuff we hear on the news and on social media, I believe most people are good. I believe our race is resilient and resourceful. I think we’ve made great strides in tons of important areas and have even more positive progress ahead of us. That’s the world I believe we live in and that’s the world I’m betting on when I buy and hold the companies of the world (conveniently packaged in an index fund).
See, it all comes back to index funds.
As always, reminding you to build wealth by following the two PFC rules: 1.) Live below your means and 2.) Invest early and often.