We are so spoiled these days. Shipping should ALWAYS be free and it should show up at our doorstep RIGHT NOW. Even though we don’t always pay an explicit fee for these things, the price is embedded inside the cost of the item.
But nothing is free. Those free samples at Costco have boosted sales by as much as 2000%. Free shipping on orders over $150? You just spent an extra $50 to save $12. Free steak dinner at the life insurance seminar? That steak dinner can be one of the most expensive free meals ever if you walk out of there with an overpriced life insurance policy that you didn’t need in the first place.
Big companies spend millions of dollars a year to research which tactics they can use to get us to spend more money. They literally have teams of people who analyze your every move. So, when you see a “deal” just remember that the seller is offering it because they’re still coming out ahead.
Make sure you’re buying something because you actually want it – not because it’s a good deal. And make sure you understand what you’re paying for. Don’t get fooled by sales tactics that trick you into thinking that you are the one who is winning.
As always, reminding you to build wealth by following the two PFC rules: 1.) Live below your means and 2.) Invest early and often.
-Vivi & Shane