What’s the secret to getting rich?
Sometimes I feel bad when a young, hopeful new investor comes to me as though I’m a guru sitting atop a Himalayan mountain and they’ve
Sometimes I feel bad when a young, hopeful new investor comes to me as though I’m a guru sitting atop a Himalayan mountain and they’ve
Albert Einstein once said “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays
Nick literally spends 15 minutes on investing his entire life. The day he gets hired, he enrolls in his 401(k) plan, ramps up the contribution
Welcome to the world, baby Ty! Baby boy was born 7 lbs, 8 oz on 2/13/25! Mom and baby are healthy and doing great. Dad
It’s hard to wrap your head around how bad the odds are of winning the lottery. Our brains just aren’t suited for that kind of
We read fables like The Tortoise and The Hare to children to teach important life lessons. Impatient and erratic behavior is a recipe for failure.
The outcome on the left isn’t bad! Retiring with $3M in the bank is pretty sweet and WAY better than the vast majority of us
Man, trading in an old car is TEMPING. You just get to LEAVE IT there. You don’t have to worry about all this unknown hassle.
We often get asked by late bloomers what they can do in order to catch up. To be honest, there isn’t a shortcut for this,
I’ve been hearing a lot of sentiment lately like “everyone is saying a crash is coming”. Actually, now that I’m typing that out, I’ve been
Sometimes I feel bad when a young, hopeful new investor comes to me as though I’m a guru sitting atop a Himalayan mountain and they’ve
Albert Einstein once said “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays
Nick literally spends 15 minutes on investing his entire life. The day he gets hired, he enrolls in his 401(k) plan, ramps up the contribution
Welcome to the world, baby Ty! Baby boy was born 7 lbs, 8 oz on 2/13/25! Mom and baby are healthy and doing great. Dad
It’s hard to wrap your head around how bad the odds are of winning the lottery. Our brains just aren’t suited for that kind of
We read fables like The Tortoise and The Hare to children to teach important life lessons. Impatient and erratic behavior is a recipe for failure.
The outcome on the left isn’t bad! Retiring with $3M in the bank is pretty sweet and WAY better than the vast majority of us
Man, trading in an old car is TEMPING. You just get to LEAVE IT there. You don’t have to worry about all this unknown hassle.
We often get asked by late bloomers what they can do in order to catch up. To be honest, there isn’t a shortcut for this,
I’ve been hearing a lot of sentiment lately like “everyone is saying a crash is coming”. Actually, now that I’m typing that out, I’ve been